Wednesday 20 March 2013

Another Virtual Student Teacher - Meet Daniel!

We are doing such interesting things in Room 209 that a classmate of Anna's, Daniel Atkins, contacted me and wondered if he could get to know our class! I said we would be happy to have a second Virtual Student Teacher!

Daniel lives in Moosejaw, Saskatchewan and has two daughters. He is studying to be a high school teacher and is especially interested to learn from us about what it's like being at an Alternative School, as he's trying to figure out what it would be like to teach without assigning grades. I've told him a bit, but I know you'll all be able to tell him much more than I can!

Welcome, Daniel!

Daniel wanted to say a quick hello to us:
"Hi, my name is Daniel Atkins, or Mr. Atkins, or Daniel...I respond to all three most of the time.  I live with my wife, Jaimie, and my two daughters, Kate and Jane, in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.  I am almost finished going to university so that I can teach students in high school.  I really hope I will be able to teach Physics, Math, and Computer Programming.  I am beginning to use blogs to showcase my learning and to get connected with other people who are interested in learning.  I'm looking forward to interacting with Shauna's class through blogs and Skype. I wish it would stop snowing so that I can play soccer on the grass again.  This summer I hope to build a playhouse with my daughters in our back yard."

An Adventure With Daniel on PhotoPeach

We'll be Skyping with Daniel next week for the first time! Maybe leave a comment about what you'd like to tell him or ask him!


  1. I just want to welcome you to our blog. I hope you have a fun tome learning about us and I am exited to learn more about you!

  2. Thanks. I love all the pictures and posts on your blog. Seriously, I don't remember grade 4 or 5 being so much fun! I look forward to Skyping with you today.
