Sunday, 24 March 2013

On the Digital Degus' Blogs - March 24th, 2013

My absolute favourite thing is when students use their blogs to "take an idea and run with it"! I know it's fun to post a bunch of silly links on your blog, but if you don't tie it into something we're doing in class, it's hard for me to link to your blog on here. Try to think of ways that you can extend your learning with your blog and I will feature your posts in our Digital Classroom. Some people have started two blogs now: one professional/educational blog and one fun/personal blog. That's a great idea!

I know how much I love hearing from students, parents and friends in the comment area on my blog. Make sure to visit your classmates' blogs and leave some comments about their hard work! Often, they ask questions to their readers, that's a great way to join the conversation too!

It was impossible to tell, but Finley tells her readers that she was super nervous to sing "Just Walk Away, Renee" at the Talent Show last week. Head on over to her blog and tell her what you thought of her performance!

It's always hard for me to be away from my Digital Degus and although I had a great two days of workshops, I really missed you guys and I wondered what you were up to! Luckily, my "understudy", Fiona, blogged about the learning I missed and I was able to hear about your cool inferring and ISS Math lessons from her blog. I also got to learn about Street of Rock from Fiona! I don't know if you saw the colourful art outside the French room on Friday, but Fiona explains what she did in her Math elective to make that awesome mural!

Goofy Gabby posted another version of the song "Trouble". I'm not going to ruin it for you, but make sure your volume isn't turned up too high when you watch it!

Liam found a really cool French version of Gagnam Style made by students studying French. I wonder if you could re-write a popular song with French lyrics?

I hope you've been following Mel's awesome adventures in Florida. She's now on her way home, on a LONG car ride! Hopefully, she'll be back on Monday!

Remember when we looked at PinWords in class? Well, Miguel made some posters over there! This would be a great idea for a project! He's also wondering what you'd like him to blog about. Let him know!

Oh dear, Molly's been following the news in Costa Rica and is very happy she didn't stay on this beach! Scary!

Check out Pat's post about commenting, he makes some great points!

One of our class hockey stars, Thomas, likes to post about sports. Check out the video he found of a nine-year old hockey star!

Vickie is wondering what your favourite subject in school is. She explains what she loves about French.

I'm still checking your blogs, Jackson, Camden, Sophia and Millie! I can't wait to see more ideas that you run with appearing on there!

Also, I know that Hunter, and Kaleigh are starting blogs (or have started them) and we'll link to those on Monday!


  1. Hi Everyone :) I'm Elizabeth, Kathleen's daughter (she works in the office). I'm going to school to be a teacher next year, and I want to know what you think makes a good teacher!


  2. Hi Elizabeth (or Bea?),

    I've heard a lot about you from your mom! She's super proud of you and I hope to meet you soon!

    I think your best shot at getting some answers from the kids on this question would be to ask it on a few of their blogs and then check back for comments. I'll also ask them on Tuesday what they think and get them to tweet their answers. We can tweet them at you if you have a twitter account or I can just send you a link!

