The rest of our year - Room 209 Class Calendar
Thursday, June 26th
-Last block - Buddy time with our Little Buddies in Gillian's class
Friday, June 27th
Canadian Multiculturalism Day
-last day of school!
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.
-Open Time Capsule
Summer Birthdays
Erika - July 12th
Nils - July 27th
Thomas - August 14th
Millie - August 24th
Completed Events
Tuesday, September 3rd
-First Day of School! Welcome back!
Monday, September 9th
-First Poetry Club meeting at Lunch
-all Kindergartners have arrived!
Tuesday, September 10th
-CASC Meeting 7-9 p.m. Staffroom on second floor - all are welcome!
Friday, September 13th
-all forms due
Monday, September 16th
-all forms LATE (pink forms including student registration verification, volunteer form, safe tech use and media permission)
-Miguel's Unbirthday!
Tuesday, September 17th
-Family BBQ 5-7 p.m.
Wednesday, September 18th
-Getting to Know You student forms DUE
-Getting to Know You parent forms DUE
-WITS Assembly
-Shauna away all day - Eric in as our Guest Teacher
-First Pizza Day
-Terry Fox Sharing
Thursday, September 19th
-Class Meeting for parents of Room 209 students 6 p.m.
Friday, September 20th
-First Tech Times article DUE
Monday, September 23rd
-Poetry Club in Room 209 at Lunch Recess
Wednesday, September 25th
-Pizza Day
Thursday, September 26th
-Terry Fox Run
-First Pita Pit Lunch
Friday, September 27th
-Family Movie Night run by CASC (7 p.m. in the Gym)
-Elizabeth's Unbirthday
-Tech Times article DUE
Sunday, September 29th
-Elizabeth's Birthday (our Virtual Student Teacher)
Monday, September 30th
-Poetry Club - Lunch Recess in Room 209
Tuesday, October 1st
-Lori Fukumoto's Birthday
Wednesday, October 2nd
-Olivia's Unbirthday
-Pizza Day
-Emeline's Birthday
-Andrew Robertson's Birthday
Thursday, October 3rd
-Pita Pit Lunch
Friday, October 4th
-Tech Times article DUE
-First Tech Club Meeting
Monday, October 7th
-Poetry Club - Lunch Recess in Room 209
Tuesday, October 8th
-CASC Meeting 7-9 (staff room on second floor), as always, all parents are welcome!
-9 a.m. - guest speaker from Health Canada to Room 209
Wednesday, October 9th
-Pizza Day
-8:30 a.m. - Mystery Skype
-1 p.m. - Photography with Kate Settle
Thursday, October 10th
-Photo Day
-Pita Pit Lunch
-Butterfly Exhibit Field Trip with Stacey's class 9:30-12
-Tech Times article DUE
-Tomorrow is Stand Up For Girls Day #standup4girls
Friday, October 11th
-PD Day - no school
-International Day of the Girl - Because I am a Girl
Monday, October 14th
-Thanksgiving - no school
Wednesday, October 16th
-Term 1 IEPs go home
-Pizza Day
-Shauna out all day - Zoe Robinson is our Guest Teacher
Thursday, October 17th
-Pita Pit Lunch
-Mystery Skype - first thing in the morning
-International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
-LGBTQ+ Spirit Day - wear purple
Friday, October 18th
-Tech Club at Lunch Recess
-Clara's Unbirthday
-bring in a photo of yourself as a child
Monday, October 21st
-Laryssa's Birthday
-Poetry Club
-Jackson's Mystery Guest coming in
-make sure you have your baby photo at school!
Tuesday, October 22nd
-Lorraine coming in to speak to us about archaeology
Wednesday, October 23rd
-Courtney is coming in to start the MindUP program
Thursday, October 24th
-Pita Pit Lunch
Friday, October 25th
-Tech Times article DUE
-end of Progress Report period
-Leadership Club Meeting
Monday, October 28th
-Poetry Club
Thursday, October 31st
-Room 207 Haunted House
-at home: count your Hallowe'en candy!
-Pita Pit Lunch
Friday, November 1st
-Tech Times article DUE
-Leadership Club
-Shauna away all day - Allison Hardage in
Monday, November 4th
-Shauna away in the afternoon - Allison Hardage in
Tuesday, November 5th
-Lion King presentation by Nepean High School students
Tuesday, November 11th
-Remembrance Day
Wednesday, November 12th
-CORE Leadership symposium - Shauna away all day
Thursday, November 14th
-Thomas' Unbirthday
November 17th
-International Day of the Student
November 17th-23rd
-Bullying Awareness Week:Links: 1, 2, 3
November 20th
-Universal Children's Day (UN)/National Child Day (Canada)
Monday, November 25th
-Museum of Nature field trip forms DUE
-School of Rock heading to Algonquin for Rogers SING!
Tuesday, November 26th
-Museum of Nature Field Trip with our Buddies from Gillian's class
Thursday, November 28th
-Shauna and Andrea away all day - Rainbow Youth Forum (Eric McArthur - guest teacher)
Friday, November 29th
-our first skating day! 10-11 a.m.
Monday, December 2nd
-Mystery Skype
Tuesday, December 3rd
-International Day of Persons with Disabilities
-6:30 p.m. - Coffee House
Wednesday, December 4th
-Shauna away in the afternoon: Math Workshop - Sarah Chapman is our Guest Teacher
Thursday, December 5th
-Melodee's Birthday
Friday, December 6th
-Science Experiments with Baby Nisha
December 9th-13th
-Hour of Code Programming Week
Monday, December 9th
-Grade 5 Bridge Building Report DUE
Tuesday, December 10th
-Human Rights Day - Links: 1, 2
-Nisha Experiment Reflection Due
Wednesday, December 11th
-3D printer coming in
Thursday, December 12th
-Erika's Unbirthday
-Maker Junior with Buddies in Gillian's class - group 1
Wednesday, December 18th
-Clara's Unbirthday
-Maker Junior with Buddies in Gillian's class - group 2
Monday, December 16th
-Pen Pal Letters DUE
-Human Posters DUE
-Buddy Colouring DUE
-bring in cans for the Food Drive
Tuesday, December 17th
-bring in food for the Food Drive
-Sock Monkeys 8-9:40 a.m. - bring a pair of socks, stuffing and buttons - volunteers needed
Wednesday, December 18th
-Time Travellers Conference
-Mystery Skype at 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, December 19th
-Living Museum Proposals DUE
-12 - Manners Meal hosted by Room 207
-last day of school until 2014!
Friday, December 20th
-PA Day - No school!
Monday, January 6th
-Welcome back to school!
-Mystery Skype with Mrs. Thwaites!
Tuesday, January 7th
-Merlin, the Therapy Dog, is visiting at 1:30 p.m.!
Wednesday, January 8th
-Mystery Skype!
Thursday, January 9th
-Shauna away in the afternoon
Monday, January 13th
-Shauna's Birthday
January 13th - January 16th
-Living Museum Research week
Friday, January 17th
-PA Day - no school
Sunday, January 19th
-World Religions Day
Tuesday, January 21st
-Mystery Skype!
January 20th-January 24th
-Living Museum work on Visual/Dramatic portions of your project week
Monday, January 20th-Friday, January 24th
-No Name Calling Week
Thursday, January 23rd
-"Turtle's Tale" with Gillian's class
-PJ Day
Friday, January 24th
-Jackson's Birthday
-Skating with Stacey's class 9-10 a.m.
Monday, January 27th
-Nils' Unbirthday
-Shauna out all day - Catherine Turner is our guest teacher
Tuesday, January 28th
-Fish Bowl practice presentations of Living Museum:
8:30-8:40 - Pat
8:40-8:50 - Fiona, Bexter, Madi, Hannah
8:50-9:00 - Vickie, Katey, Miranda
9:00-9:10 - Miguel, Thomas, Will, Jack
9:10-9:20 - Jackson, Camden, Philip
10:30-10:40 - Clara, Laryssa, Erika
10:40-10:50 - Gabby
10:50-11:00 - Nils, Rowan, Aidan, Felix
11:00-11:10 - Hunter, Michael, Yaro, Yarabi
-Merlin and Nancy visiting 1:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 29th
-Science Kick Off presentations - OC, Madi, Erika, Jackson, Kaleigh, Aaron
-8:30 a.m. - MindUP
-Fish Bowl practice presentations of Living Museum:
10:40-10:50 - Skye and Molly
10:55-11:05 - Aaron
11:05-11:15 - Ellis
11:20-11:35 - Kaleigh, Millie, Mel
11:40-11:55 - Johnny, Kenny
1:00-1:10 - Oceanna
1:15-1:25 - Nat
Thursday, January 30th
-Hannah's Birthday
-Living Museum - visitors welcome from 10:30-12 and 1-2
-Black History Month - link 1, 2
Monday, February 3rd
-Luv2Groove Dance Workshop 12:50-11:40 a.m.
Tuesday, February 4th
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Luv2Groove Dance Workshop 1:40-2:30 p.m.
Wednesday, February 5th
-Luv2Groove Dance Workshop 12:50-1:40 p.m.
Thursday, February 6th
-Canal Skate (all grade 4, 5 and 6 students)
-iPad training for our Buddies in Gillian's class 10:20-11:10 a.m.
Friday, February 7th
-Jump Rope for Heart 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
-Blues in the Schools $4 DUE
Monday, February 10th
-Shauna out all day - Catherine Turner is our Guest Teacher
-Milk forms DUE
-Blues in the Schools $4 LATE
Tuesday, February 11th
-Kaleigh's Birthday
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
Wednesday, February 12th
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.
Monday, February 10th-February 16th
-Random Acts of Kindness Week - links: 1, 2, 3
Thursday, February 13th
-Shauna out all day - Eric McArthur is our guest teacher
Friday, February 14th
-Aaron's Birthday
-Philip's Birthday
-Valentine's Day
-Have a Heart for First Nations Children (Canada)
Monday, February 17th
-Family Day - no school!
Tuesday, February 18th
-8:30 a.m. - Bullying Assembly (sitting with our Buddies in Gillian's class)
-Nancy and Merlin visiting - 1:30 p.m.
-Biography letters LATE - students who are unfinished staying in at Recess Club
Wednesday, February 19th
-Shauna presenting at Ottawa U - Catherine Turner is our guest teacher in for the afternoon
Thursday, February 20th
-Vickie's Birthday
-World Day for Social Justice - links: 1, 2
-Good copy of letters to Ms. Dalrymple's class DUE
Friday, February 21st
-Student Led Conferences
-Art Electives 1-2:15 p.m. - lots of volunteers needed!
Saturday, February 22nd
-Fiona's Birthday
Monday, February 24th
-Fiona's Unbirthday
-Blues in the Schools 1-2 p.m.: TJ Wheeler
-Student Led Conferences
-$8 for Photography Workshops DUE
-$2 for Maker Junior Quiz Cards DUE
-secret presentation by Leadership Club
-Lunchtime sports in the Gym
Tuesday, February 25th
-Blues in the Schools 1-2 p.m.: Maria Hawkins
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Shauna out all day - Eric McArthur is our guest teacher
-Toonie Tuesday - bring in Toonies for the Education Foundation of Ottawa
Wednesday, February 26th
-Pink Shirt Day (Canada)
-Blues in the Schools 1-2 p.m.: Catriona Sturton and John Carroll
-Student Led Conferences
Thursday, February 27th
-Student Led Conferences
-Quiz Cards with Maker Junior 8:30-9:30 a.m. $1.75 each
Friday, February 28th
-Skating with Roy's class 10-11 a.m.
-Student Led Conferences
Saturday, March 1st
-Pat's Birthday
-2nd annual Hot Chocolate for Hope stands around the neighbourhood!
Monday, March 3rd
-Pat's Unbirthday
-Kate Settle 1-2:30 p.m.
-All Juniors meet to launch Biography Project!
Tuesday, March 4th
-Kate Settle 8:15-9:40 p.m.
Wednesday, March 5th
-Gabby's Birthday
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.
Thursday, March 6th
-Ellis' Unbirthday
-Kate Settle 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Subject for your Biography DUE (signed page with your name, class, subject)
-Pita Pit lunch
Friday, March 7th
-PA Day - No school
-Ellis' Birthday
Saturday, March 8th
-International Women's Day
Monday, March 10th-Friday March 14th
-March Break - No school
Monday, March 17th
-Madi's Birthday
Tuesday, March 18th
-Mollie's Birthday
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Shauna in a workshop for the afternoon - Susan Semok Leore is our Guest Teacher
Wednesday, March 19th
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.
Thursday, March 20th
-Pita Pit
Friday, March 21st
-Skye's Unbirthday
-International Day for the Elimination of Racism
-Lunchtime sports in the Gym
Saturday, March 22nd
-Skye's Birthday
Monday, March 24th
-Millie's Unbirthday
-Our student teacher, Sara Osman, is starting!
Tuesday, March 25th
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Our new student is starting
Wednesday, March 26th
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.
-Organic Gardening Workshop: Planning the Garden 10:30-11:20 a.m.
-Pizza Day
Thursday, March 27th
-Pita Pit Lunch
-Maggie Mamen, 7 p.m. at Summit
-Edible Arctic Museum of Nature field trip forms DUE
Friday, March 28th
-Skating with Gillian's class 10-11 a.m.
-Lunchtime sports in Gym
-Biography project - interview data needs to be collected, we will start writing in class
Monday, March 31st
-In class organization and writing for Biography Project begins
-lunch: Extra Leadership Club meeting!
Tuesday, April 1st
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Churchill Open House
-Nancy and Merlin coming in
Wednesday, April 2nd
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.
-Pizza Day
-Autism Awareness Day - wear blue
Thursday, April 3rd
-Field Trip - Museum of Nature - Edible Arctic Event 9:15-1:45 (bus will leave at 8:45 a.m.)
-Pita Pit lunch (Anna is dropping them off for us at the Musuem!)
Friday, April 4th
-ECO workshops 10:20-11:10 a.m.
-Lunchtime sports in Gym
-Ryan Hreljac coming to Leadership Club!
Monday, April 7th
-Skyping with our Virtual Student Teacher, Kelly 1 p.m.
-8:30-9:10 - Sara's Science Show
Tuesday, April 8th
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-CASC Meeting
Wednesday, April 9th
-International Day of Pink - links: 1, 2
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.
-Pizza Day
-Leadership Club going to We Day 7:45 a.m.-3 p.m.
-students who are not in Leadership Club will be joining Tiiu's class for the day
Thursday, April 10th
-Pita Pit
-Mystery Skype
-1-2:20 - Sara's Science Show
Friday, April 11th
-Johnny's Birthday
-Day of Silence
-Electives - Math: 8-9:40 a.m.
Tuesday, April 15th
-Oceanna's Birthday
Wednesday, April 16th
-Information night for parents at Summit (6 p.m. - auditorium)
-Pizza Day
-Cozy Coding Day - wear PJs!
-Humane Society forms DUE (if they're not in today, you'll be staying behind on the trip next week)
Thursday, April 17th
-Equality Day
-Pita Pit
-Clara's Un-Un-Birthday!
-Shauna out all day - Geoff is our Guest Teacher
Friday, April 18th
-Good Friday - No School
Monday, April 21st
-Easter Monday - No School
Tuesday, April 22nd
-Earth Day
-10:20 a.m. - Earth Day Sharing
-2 p.m. - Skype with Miss Robin's class
-Museum of Science and Tech field trip forms DUE (if they're not in today, you'll be staying behind on the trip in May)
Wednesday, April 23rd
-Organic Gardening Workshop: Planting for a Spring Salad: Postponed! Stay tuned for new date
-Pizza Day
-Skype with Mr. Lafrance's class
-World Water Summit, live streaming from 10:30 a.m. onwards!
Thursday, April 24th
-Stop Motion Festival 10:20-12 Field Trip
-Stop Motion Festival - Nepean High School 6:30 p.m. (and Leadership Club fundraiser Bake Sale!)
-Pita Pit
-Sara's last day
Friday, April 25th
-Humane Society Field Trip 10:30-2:20
-Draft of Biography Project DUE
-Peer Edit of Biography FINISHED
-Biography - About the Author added
Monday, April 28th
-Shauna out all day - Steve is our Guest Teacher
-Math with Help Books DUE
Tuesday, April 29th
-Jack's Birthday
-Nat's Birthday
-Shauna out all day - Steve is our Guest Teacher
-Biography - front cover DUE
-Biography - edited draft DUE (link to Shauna)
Wednesday, April 30th
-Pizza Day
-Bridlewood Letters DUE
-Asian Heritage Month - links: 1, 2
Thursday, May 1st
-Biography - dedication, copyright page DUE
-Pita Pit
Friday, May 2nd
-Fiona is collecting orders for custom buttons - $2 each to Team Robillard
Tuesday, May 6th
-10:20-11:10 a.m. - Gardening Planting
Wednesday, May 7th
-Final Copy of Biography Project DUE - is being sent off to publisher today!
-Biography orders DUE ($11 for each copy, bring printed copies!)
-Pizza Day
-Education Week: "Moving from Great to Excellent in Education"
Thursday, May 8th
-Pita Pit
-Education Week: "Moving from Great to Excellent in Education"
Friday, May 9th
-Education Week: "Moving from Great to Excellent in Education"
Monday, May 12th
-Shauna away in the morning - EQAO training! - Eric is our Guest Teacher
Tuesday, May 13th
-CASC Meeting
-Field Trip with Ms. Dalrymple's class to Museum of Science and Tech
Wednesday, May 14th
-Pizza Day
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
Thursday, May 15th
-GameON starts! 1-2:15 p.m.
Friday, May 16th
-Plant/Book Sale!
-Grade 6 MacSkimming forms DUE (no exceptions)
Saturday, May 17th
-International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia
Monday, May 19th
-Victoria Day - No School
-Genius Hour reflections due
May 20th-23rd
-Aboriginal Awareness Week - links: 1, 2
Tuesday, May 20th
-Alex's Unbirthday (actual birthday: August 20th)
-Merlin and Nancy coming in! 1:30-2:30 p.m. (invite Sascha to join us)
-Gardening - Little Buddies to join us!
-5:30-7 p.m. - "A Day in the Life of Room 209" in Room 209! (RSVP)
-10:20-11:10 - Gardening, Buddies from Gillian's class joining us at 10:45 a.m.
-Chrome-free Tuesday
-7:30 p.m. - #tuestrek
Wednesday, March 21st
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
-Grade 6s at MacSkimming for overnight
-Grade 5s at Churchill
Thursday, May 22nd
-grade 6s at Mackskimming
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.
Friday, May 23rd
-9:30-2:30 - Sports Day at Nepean High School
-send Tech Times article
-MacKellar Park field trip forms and money ($1.50) DUE
Monday, May 26th
-Hunter's Birthday
-Elisabeth from Ryan's Well coming in! 10:30-12
-8:20-9:10 a.m. - Chromebook Workshop for Erin's class
-1-2 p.m. - Chromebook Workshop for Gilian's class
Tuesday, May 27th
-Chrome Free Day
-Mel teaching Gym #hackedclass
Wednesday, May 28th
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
-Kaleigh teaching Art #hackedclass
-8:20-9:20 - Chromebook Workshop for Ray's class
-1-2 p.m. - Chromebook Workshop for Heather C's class
Thursday, May 29th
-grade 4/5s to Mackskimming for the day
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.
-Summit students coming to visit grade 6s 8:40-9:40 a.m.
Friday, May 30th
-Camden's Birthday
-Field Trip to McKellar Park 8:15 a.m.-2 p.m.
-Send Tech Times article
Monday, June 2nd
-EQAO begins for grade 6s - 1st and 2nd block
-Gym - led by Nat #hackedclass
Tuesday, June 3rd
-EQAO for grade 6s - 1st and 2nd block
-Chrome Free Tuesdays
-Primary Choir Show
Wednesday, June 4th
-Pizza Day
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
-EQAO for grade 6s - 1st and 2nd block
Thursday, June 5th
-EQAO for grade 6s - 1st and 2nd block
-Pita Pit
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.
Friday, June 6th
-PA Day - No School
Monday, June 9th
-Shauna out all day - DLA Workshop (with "Geek Squad")
-Spirit Week: PJ Day
Tuesday, June 10th
-CASC Meeting - all parents welcome! Dinner will be served!
-Water garden
-Thomas - Art Lesson #hackedclass
-Shauna out all day
-Spirit Week: Rainbow Day
Wednesday, June 11th
-Pizza Lunch
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
-Track and Field
-1-2 p.m. - Chromebook Workshop for Nat's class
-10:30-11:30 a.m. - Chromebook Workshop for Owen's class?
-Health: Puberty and Reproduction
-Spirit Week: Crazy Hair Day
Thursday, June 12th
-Pita Pit
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.
-New class jobs
-Health: Puberty and Reproduction
-Spirit Week: Reverse Stereotype Day
Friday, June 13
-Speedy and Caine's Birthday
-School of Rock Daytime Show
-Spirit Week: SOR shirts, Churchill clothing, Tie-Dye
-School of Rock Evening Show
Saturday, June 14th
-School of Rock at WestFest 11:30 a.m.
Monday, June 16th
-Gym - Fiona #hackedclass
Tuesday, June 17th
-Alternative Day Summit - 9:20 a.m.-2:10 p.m.
-Water garden
-Chrome Free Tuesday
Wednesday, June 18th
-Yaro's Birthday
-Pizza Day
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
-Biography Book Launch in the Gym!
Thursday, June 19th
-Pita Pit
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.
Friday, June 20th
-Math Electives 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Dovercourt forms due, money for pizza due (last chance, as we placing the pizza order after school)
Monday, June 23rd
-Grade 6 Honouring Ceremony, 8 a.m.
Tuesday, June 24th
-Shauna out all morning, Andrew Tomec is our guest teacher
-Chrome free day
-Nancy and Merlin's last visit 1:30-2:30 p.m.!
-Theme Day:
Wednesday, June 25th
-Ignite the Night! 5 p.m.
-Shauna out all morning, Andrew Tomec is our guest teacher
-Theme Day:
ReplyDeleteI am so exited for April 18th!
ReplyDeletewhy are you excited for april 18th?
DeleteYes stop motion is coming up!
ReplyDeletethat was long ago we are in April now
ReplyDeleteI have to be anonymous my computer wont let me use
That was along time ago its now June I cant what for the last day of school but THIS CLASS WAS AWESOME AND A LOT OF COMPUTERS but a lot of these coments where from a long time ago.
ReplyDeleteHow much dose it cost for the BBQ?!
Camden's gonna have it easy next Thursday.
ReplyDeleteNobody comments on here any more