Upcoming Events

The rest of our year - Room 209 Class Calendar

Thursday, June 26th
-Last block - Buddy time with our Little Buddies in Gillian's class

Friday, June 27th
-Canadian Multiculturalism Day
-last day of school!
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.
-Open Time Capsule

Summer Birthdays
Erika - July 12th
Nils - July 27th
Thomas - August 14th
Millie - August 24th

Completed Events

Tuesday, September 3rd
-First Day of School! Welcome back!

Monday, September 9th
-First Poetry Club meeting at Lunch
-all Kindergartners have arrived!

Tuesday, September 10th
-CASC Meeting 7-9 p.m. Staffroom on second floor - all are welcome!

Friday, September 13th
-all forms due 

Monday, September 16th
-all forms LATE (pink forms including student registration verification, volunteer form, safe tech use and media permission)
-Miguel's Unbirthday!

Tuesday, September 17th
-Family BBQ 5-7 p.m.

Wednesday, September 18th

-Getting to Know You student forms DUE
-Getting to Know You parent forms DUE
-WITS Assembly
-Shauna away all day - Eric in as our Guest Teacher
-First Pizza Day
-Terry Fox Sharing

Thursday, September 19th
-Class Meeting for parents of Room 209 students 6 p.m.

Friday, September 20th
-First Tech Times article DUE

Monday, September 23rd
-Poetry Club in Room 209 at Lunch Recess

Wednesday, September 25th
-Pizza Day

Thursday, September 26th
-Terry Fox Run
-First Pita Pit Lunch

Friday, September 27th
-Family Movie Night run by CASC (7 p.m. in the Gym)
-Elizabeth's Unbirthday
-Tech Times article DUE

Sunday, September 29th
-Elizabeth's Birthday (our Virtual Student Teacher)

Monday, September 30th
-Poetry Club - Lunch Recess in Room 209

Tuesday, October 1st
-Lori Fukumoto's Birthday

Wednesday, October 2nd 
-Olivia's Unbirthday
-Pizza Day
-Emeline's Birthday
-Andrew Robertson's Birthday

Thursday, October 3rd
-Pita Pit Lunch

Friday, October 4th
-Tech Times article DUE
-First Tech Club Meeting

Monday, October 7th
-Poetry Club - Lunch Recess in Room 209

Tuesday, October 8th
-CASC Meeting 7-9 (staff room on second floor), as always, all parents are welcome!
-9 a.m. - guest speaker from Health Canada to Room 209

Wednesday, October 9th
-Pizza Day
-8:30 a.m. - Mystery Skype
-1 p.m. - Photography with Kate Settle

Thursday, October 10th
-Photo Day
-Pita Pit Lunch
-Butterfly Exhibit Field Trip with Stacey's class 9:30-12
-Tech Times article DUE
-Tomorrow is Stand Up For Girls Day #standup4girls

Friday, October 11th
-PD Day - no school
-International Day of the Girl - Because I am a Girl

Monday, October 14th
-Thanksgiving - no school

Wednesday, October 16th
-Term 1 IEPs go home
-Pizza Day
-Shauna out all day - Zoe Robinson is our Guest Teacher

Thursday, October 17th
-Pita Pit Lunch
-Mystery Skype - first thing in the morning
-International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
-LGBTQ+ Spirit Day - wear purple

Friday, October 18th
-Tech Club at Lunch Recess
-Clara's Unbirthday
-bring in a photo of yourself as a child

Monday, October 21st
-Laryssa's Birthday
-Poetry Club
-Jackson's Mystery Guest coming in
-make sure you have your baby photo at school!

Tuesday, October 22nd

-Lorraine coming in to speak to us about archaeology

Wednesday, October 23rd
-Courtney is coming in to start the MindUP program

Thursday, October 24th
-Pita Pit Lunch

Friday, October 25th
-Tech Times article DUE
-end of Progress Report period
-Leadership Club Meeting

Monday, October 28th

-Poetry Club

Thursday, October 31st
-Room 207 Haunted House
-at home: count your Hallowe'en candy!
-Pita Pit Lunch

Friday, November 1st
-Tech Times article DUE
-Leadership Club
-Shauna away all day - Allison Hardage in

Monday, November 4th
-Shauna away in the afternoon - Allison Hardage in

Tuesday, November 5th
-Lion King presentation by Nepean High School students

Tuesday, November 11th
-Remembrance Day

Wednesday, November 12th
-CORE Leadership symposium - Shauna away all day

Thursday, November 14th
-Thomas' Unbirthday

November 17th 
-International Day of the Student

November 17th-23rd
-Bullying Awareness Week:Links: 12, 3

November 20th
-Universal Children's Day (UN)/National Child Day (Canada)

Monday, November 25th
-Museum of Nature field trip forms DUE
-School of Rock heading to Algonquin for Rogers SING!

Tuesday, November 26th

-Museum of Nature Field Trip with our Buddies from Gillian's class

Thursday, November 28th

-Shauna and Andrea away all day - Rainbow Youth Forum (Eric McArthur - guest teacher)

Friday, November 29th
-our first skating day! 10-11 a.m.

Monday, December 2nd
-Mystery Skype

Tuesday, December 3rd

-International Day of Persons with Disabilities
-6:30 p.m. - Coffee House

Wednesday, December 4th
-Shauna away in the afternoon: Math Workshop - Sarah Chapman is our Guest Teacher

Thursday, December 5th
-Melodee's Birthday

Friday, December 6th
-Science Experiments with Baby Nisha

December 9th-13th

-Hour of Code Programming Week

Monday, December 9th

-Grade 5 Bridge Building Report DUE

Tuesday, December 10th

-Human Rights Day - Links: 12
-Nisha Experiment Reflection Due

Wednesday, December 11th
-3D printer coming in

Thursday, December 12th
-Erika's Unbirthday
-Maker Junior with Buddies in Gillian's class - group 1

Wednesday, December 18th
-Clara's Unbirthday
-Maker Junior with Buddies in Gillian's class - group 2

Monday, December 16th
-Pen Pal Letters DUE
-Human Posters DUE
-Buddy Colouring DUE
-bring in cans for the Food Drive

Tuesday, December 17th

-bring in food for the Food Drive
-Sock Monkeys 8-9:40 a.m. - bring a pair of socks, stuffing and buttons - volunteers needed

Wednesday, December 18th 

-Time Travellers Conference
-Mystery Skype at 1:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 19th
-Living Museum Proposals DUE
-12 - Manners Meal hosted by Room 207
-last day of school until 2014!

Friday, December 20th
-PA Day - No school!

Monday, January 6th
-Welcome back to school!
-Mystery Skype with Mrs. Thwaites!

Tuesday, January 7th
-Merlin, the Therapy Dog, is visiting at 1:30 p.m.!

Wednesday, January 8th
-Mystery Skype!

Thursday, January 9th
-Shauna away in the afternoon

Monday, January 13th
-Shauna's Birthday

January 13th - January 16th
-Living Museum Research week

Friday, January 17th
-PA Day - no school

Sunday, January 19th
-World Religions Day

Tuesday, January 21st
-Mystery Skype!

January 20th-January 24th
-Living Museum work on Visual/Dramatic portions of your project week

Monday, January 20th-Friday, January 24th
-No Name Calling Week

Thursday, January 23rd
-"Turtle's Tale" with Gillian's class
-PJ Day

Friday, January 24th
-Jackson's Birthday
-Skating with Stacey's class 9-10 a.m.

Monday, January 27th
-Nils' Unbirthday
-Shauna out all day - Catherine Turner is our guest teacher

Tuesday, January 28th

-Fish Bowl practice presentations of Living Museum:
8:30-8:40 - Pat
8:40-8:50 - Fiona, Bexter, Madi, Hannah
8:50-9:00 - Vickie, Katey, Miranda
9:00-9:10 - Miguel, Thomas, Will, Jack
9:10-9:20 - Jackson, Camden, Philip
10:30-10:40 - Clara, Laryssa, Erika
10:40-10:50 - Gabby
10:50-11:00 - Nils, Rowan, Aidan, Felix
11:00-11:10 - Hunter, Michael, Yaro, Yarabi
-Merlin and Nancy visiting 1:30 p.m.

Wednesday, January 29th 
-Science Kick Off presentations - OC, Madi, Erika, Jackson, Kaleigh, Aaron
-8:30 a.m. - MindUP
-Fish Bowl practice presentations of Living Museum:
10:40-10:50 - Skye and Molly
10:55-11:05 - Aaron
11:05-11:15 - Ellis
11:20-11:35 - Kaleigh, Millie, Mel
11:40-11:55 - Johnny, Kenny
1:00-1:10 - Oceanna
1:15-1:25 - Nat

Thursday, January 30th
-Hannah's Birthday
-Living Museum - visitors welcome from 10:30-12 and 1-2

-Black History Month - link 1

Monday, February 3rd
-Luv2Groove Dance Workshop 12:50-11:40 a.m.

Tuesday, February 4th
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Luv2Groove Dance Workshop 1:40-2:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 5th
-Luv2Groove Dance Workshop 12:50-1:40 p.m.

Thursday, February 6th
-Canal Skate (all grade 4, 5 and 6 students)
-iPad training for our Buddies in Gillian's class 10:20-11:10 a.m.

Friday, February 7th
-Jump Rope for Heart 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
-Blues in the Schools $4 DUE

Monday, February 10th
-Shauna out all day - Catherine Turner is our Guest Teacher
-Milk forms DUE
-Blues in the Schools $4 LATE

Tuesday, February 11th
-Kaleigh's Birthday
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.

Wednesday, February 12th
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.

Monday, February 10th-February 16th
-Random Acts of Kindness Week - links: 1, 23

Thursday, February 13th
-Shauna out all day - Eric McArthur is our guest teacher

Friday, February 14th
-Aaron's Birthday
-Philip's Birthday
-Valentine's Day
-Have a Heart for First Nations Children (Canada)

Monday, February 17th
-Family Day - no school!

Tuesday, February 18th
-8:30 a.m. - Bullying Assembly (sitting with our Buddies in Gillian's class)
-Nancy and Merlin visiting - 1:30 p.m.
-Biography letters LATE - students who are unfinished staying in at Recess Club

Wednesday, February 19th
-Shauna presenting at Ottawa U - Catherine Turner is our guest teacher in for the afternoon

Thursday, February 20th
-Vickie's Birthday
-World Day for Social Justice - links: 1, 2
-Good copy of letters to Ms. Dalrymple's class DUE

Friday, February 21st
-Student Led Conferences
-Art Electives 1-2:15 p.m. - lots of volunteers needed!

Saturday, February 22nd
-Fiona's Birthday

Monday, February 24th
-Fiona's Unbirthday
-Blues in the Schools 1-2 p.m.: TJ Wheeler
-Student Led Conferences
-$8 for Photography Workshops DUE
-$2 for Maker Junior Quiz Cards DUE
-secret presentation by Leadership Club
-Lunchtime sports in the Gym

Tuesday, February 25th
-Blues in the Schools 1-2 p.m.: Maria Hawkins
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Shauna out all day - Eric McArthur is our guest teacher
-Toonie Tuesday - bring in Toonies for the Education Foundation of Ottawa

Wednesday, February 26th
-Pink Shirt Day (Canada)
-Blues in the Schools 1-2 p.m.: Catriona Sturton and John Carroll
-Student Led Conferences

Thursday, February 27th
-Student Led Conferences
-Quiz Cards with Maker Junior 8:30-9:30 a.m. $1.75 each

Friday, February 28th
-Skating with Roy's class 10-11 a.m.
-Student Led Conferences

Saturday, March 1st
-Pat's Birthday
-2nd annual Hot Chocolate for Hope stands around the neighbourhood!

Monday, March 3rd
-Pat's Unbirthday
-Kate Settle 1-2:30 p.m.
-All Juniors meet to launch Biography Project!

Tuesday, March 4th
-Kate Settle 8:15-9:40 p.m.

Wednesday, March 5th 
-Gabby's Birthday
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.

Thursday, March 6th
-Ellis' Unbirthday
-Kate Settle 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Subject for your Biography DUE (signed page with your name, class, subject)
-Pita Pit lunch

Friday, March 7th
-PA Day - No school
-Ellis' Birthday

Saturday, March 8th
-International Women's Day

Monday, March 10th-Friday March 14th
-March Break - No school

Monday, March 17th
-Madi's Birthday

Tuesday, March 18th
-Mollie's Birthday
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Shauna in a workshop for the afternoon - Susan Semok Leore is our Guest Teacher

Wednesday, March 19th
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.

Thursday, March 20th
-Pita Pit

Friday, March 21st
-Skye's Unbirthday
-International Day for the Elimination of Racism
-Lunchtime sports in the Gym

Saturday, March 22nd
-Skye's Birthday

Monday, March 24th
-Millie's Unbirthday
-Our student teacher, Sara Osman, is starting!

Tuesday, March 25th
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Our new student is starting

Wednesday, March 26th
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.
-Organic Gardening Workshop: Planning the Garden 10:30-11:20 a.m.
-Pizza Day

Thursday, March 27th
-Pita Pit Lunch
-Maggie Mamen, 7 p.m. at Summit
-Edible Arctic Museum of Nature field trip forms DUE

Friday, March 28th
-Skating with Gillian's class 10-11 a.m.
-Lunchtime sports in Gym
-Biography project - interview data needs to be collected, we will start writing in class

Monday, March 31st
-In class organization and writing for Biography Project begins
-lunch: Extra Leadership Club meeting!

Tuesday, April 1st
-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Churchill Open House
-Nancy and Merlin coming in

Wednesday, April 2nd
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.
-Pizza Day
-Autism Awareness Day - wear blue

Thursday, April 3rd
-Field Trip - Museum of Nature - Edible Arctic Event 9:15-1:45 (bus will leave at 8:45 a.m.)
-Pita Pit lunch (Anna is dropping them off for us at the Musuem!)

Friday, April 4th
-ECO workshops 10:20-11:10 a.m.
-Lunchtime sports in Gym
-Ryan Hreljac coming to Leadership Club!

Monday, April 7th
-Skyping with our Virtual Student Teacher, Kelly 1 p.m.
-8:30-9:10 - Sara's Science Show

Tuesday, April 8th

-Go Girls - group 2 - 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-CASC Meeting

Wednesday, April 9th
-International Day of Pink - links: 12
-GameON - group 1 - 1-2:15 p.m.
-Pizza Day
-Leadership Club going to We Day 7:45 a.m.-3 p.m.
-students who are not in Leadership Club will be joining Tiiu's class for the day

Thursday, April 10th
-Pita Pit
-Mystery Skype
-1-2:20 - Sara's Science Show

Friday, April 11th
-Johnny's Birthday
-Day of Silence
-Electives - Math: 8-9:40 a.m.

Tuesday, April 15th
-Oceanna's Birthday

Wednesday, April 16th
-Information night for parents at Summit (6 p.m. - auditorium)
-Pizza Day
-Cozy Coding Day - wear PJs!
-Humane Society forms DUE (if they're not in today, you'll be staying behind on the trip next week)

Thursday, April 17th
-Equality Day
-Pita Pit
-Clara's Un-Un-Birthday!
-Shauna out all day - Geoff is our Guest Teacher

Friday, April 18th
-Good Friday - No School

Monday, April 21st
-Easter Monday - No School

Tuesday, April 22nd
-Earth Day
-10:20 a.m. - Earth Day Sharing
-2 p.m. - Skype with Miss Robin's class
-Museum of Science and Tech field trip forms DUE (if they're not in today, you'll be staying behind on the trip in May)

Wednesday, April 23rd
-Organic Gardening Workshop: Planting for a Spring Salad: Postponed! Stay tuned for new date
-Pizza Day
-Skype with Mr. Lafrance's class
-World Water Summit, live streaming from 10:30 a.m. onwards!

Thursday, April 24th
-Stop Motion Festival 10:20-12 Field Trip
-Stop Motion Festival - Nepean High School 6:30 p.m. (and Leadership Club fundraiser Bake Sale!)
-Pita Pit
-Sara's last day

Friday, April 25th
-Humane Society Field Trip 10:30-2:20
-Draft of Biography Project DUE
-Peer Edit of Biography FINISHED
-Biography - About the Author added

Monday, April 28th
-Shauna out all day - Steve is our Guest Teacher
-Math with Help Books DUE

Tuesday, April 29th
-Jack's Birthday
-Nat's Birthday
-Shauna out all day - Steve is our Guest Teacher
-Biography - front cover DUE
-Biography - edited draft DUE (link to Shauna)

Wednesday, April 30th
-Pizza Day
-Bridlewood Letters DUE

-Asian Heritage Month - links: 1, 2

Thursday, May 1st
-Biography - dedication, copyright page DUE
-Pita Pit

Friday, May 2nd
-Fiona is collecting orders for custom buttons - $2 each to Team Robillard

Tuesday, May 6th
-10:20-11:10 a.m. - Gardening Planting

Wednesday, May 7th
-Final Copy of Biography Project DUE - is being sent off to publisher today!
-Biography orders DUE ($11 for each copy, bring printed copies!)
-Pizza Day
-Education Week: "Moving from Great to Excellent in Education"

Thursday, May 8th
-Pita Pit
-Education Week: "Moving from Great to Excellent in Education"

Friday, May 9th
-Education Week: "Moving from Great to Excellent in Education"

Monday, May 12th
-Shauna away in the morning - EQAO training! - Eric is our Guest Teacher

Tuesday, May 13th
-CASC Meeting
-Field Trip with Ms. Dalrymple's class to Museum of Science and Tech

Wednesday, May 14th
-Pizza Day
-1-2:15 - Go Girls

Thursday, May 15th
-GameON starts! 1-2:15 p.m.

Friday, May 16th
-Plant/Book Sale!
-Grade 6 MacSkimming forms DUE (no exceptions)

Saturday, May 17th
-International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia

Monday, May 19th
-Victoria Day - No School
-Genius Hour reflections due

May 20th-23rd
-Aboriginal Awareness Week - links: 1, 2 

Tuesday, May 20th
-Alex's Unbirthday (actual birthday: August 20th)
-Merlin and Nancy coming in! 1:30-2:30 p.m. (invite Sascha to join us)
-Gardening - Little Buddies to join us!
-5:30-7 p.m. - "A Day in the Life of Room 209" in Room 209! (RSVP)
-10:20-11:10 - Gardening, Buddies from Gillian's class joining us at 10:45 a.m.
-Chrome-free Tuesday
-7:30 p.m. - #tuestrek

Wednesday, March 21st
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
-Grade 6s at MacSkimming for overnight
-Grade 5s at Churchill

Thursday, May 22nd
-grade 6s at Mackskimming
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.

Friday, May 23rd
-9:30-2:30 - Sports Day at Nepean High School
-send Tech Times article
-MacKellar Park field trip forms and money ($1.50) DUE

Monday, May 26th
-Hunter's Birthday
-Elisabeth from Ryan's Well coming in! 10:30-12
-8:20-9:10 a.m. - Chromebook Workshop for Erin's class
-1-2 p.m. - Chromebook Workshop for Gilian's class

Tuesday, May 27th
-Chrome Free Day
-Mel teaching Gym #hackedclass

Wednesday, May 28th
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
-Kaleigh teaching Art #hackedclass
-8:20-9:20 - Chromebook Workshop for Ray's class
-1-2 p.m. - Chromebook Workshop for Heather C's class

Thursday, May 29th
-grade 4/5s to Mackskimming for the day
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.
-Summit students coming to visit grade 6s 8:40-9:40 a.m.

Friday, May 30th
-Camden's Birthday
-Field Trip to McKellar Park 8:15 a.m.-2 p.m.
-Send Tech Times article

Monday, June 2nd
-EQAO begins for grade 6s - 1st and 2nd block
-Gym - led by Nat #hackedclass

Tuesday, June 3rd
-EQAO for grade 6s - 1st and 2nd block
-Chrome Free Tuesdays
-Primary Choir Show

Wednesday, June 4th
-Pizza Day
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
-EQAO for grade 6s - 1st and 2nd block

Thursday, June 5th
-EQAO for grade 6s - 1st and 2nd block
-Pita Pit
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.

Friday, June 6th
-PA Day - No School

Monday, June 9th
-Shauna out all day - DLA Workshop (with "Geek Squad")
-Spirit Week: PJ Day

Tuesday, June 10th
-CASC Meeting - all parents welcome! Dinner will be served!
-Water garden
-Thomas - Art Lesson #hackedclass
-Shauna out all day
-Spirit Week: Rainbow Day

Wednesday, June 11th
-Pizza Lunch
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
-Track and Field
-1-2 p.m. - Chromebook Workshop for Nat's class
-10:30-11:30 a.m. - Chromebook Workshop for Owen's class?
-Health: Puberty and Reproduction
-Spirit Week: Crazy Hair Day

Thursday, June 12th
-Pita Pit
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.
-New class jobs
-Health: Puberty and Reproduction
-Spirit Week: Reverse Stereotype Day

Friday, June 13
-Speedy and Caine's Birthday
-School of Rock Daytime Show
-Spirit Week: SOR shirts, Churchill clothing, Tie-Dye
-School of Rock Evening Show

Saturday, June 14th
-School of Rock at WestFest 11:30 a.m.

Monday, June 16th
-Gym - Fiona #hackedclass

Tuesday, June 17th
-Alternative Day Summit - 9:20 a.m.-2:10 p.m.
-Water garden
-Chrome Free Tuesday

Wednesday, June 18th
-Yaro's Birthday
-Pizza Day
-1-2:15 - Go Girls
-Biography Book Launch in the Gym!

Thursday, June 19th
-Pita Pit
-GameON 1-2:15 p.m.

Friday, June 20th
-Math Electives 8:15-9:40 a.m.
-Dovercourt forms due, money for pizza due (last chance, as we placing the pizza order after school)

Monday, June 23rd
-Grade 6 Honouring Ceremony, 8 a.m.

Tuesday, June 24th
-Shauna out all morning, Andrew Tomec is our guest teacher
-Chrome free day
-Nancy and Merlin's last visit 1:30-2:30 p.m.!
-Theme Day:

Wednesday, June 25th

-Ignite the Night! 5 p.m.
-Shauna out all morning, Andrew Tomec is our guest teacher
-Theme Day:


  1. I am so exited for April 18th!

    1. why are you excited for april 18th?

  2. Thomas is amazing20 March 2013 at 16:15

    Yes stop motion is coming up!

  3. that was long ago we are in April now
    I have to be anonymous my computer wont let me use


  4. That was along time ago its now June I cant what for the last day of school but THIS CLASS WAS AWESOME AND A LOT OF COMPUTERS but a lot of these coments where from a long time ago.

  5. How much dose it cost for the BBQ?!


  6. Camden's gonna have it easy next Thursday.

  7. Nobody comments on here any more

