Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Observations About Kiva - Computer Lab Assignment

Welcome to the computer lab, boys and girls,

  Today your task is going to be related to Kiva. You will explore Kiva's website and learn more about how we can support somone in a developing country by helping to fund a microloan. Then you will communicate what you have learned to your peers here on the blog.

Step 1: Explore a New Website - Please visit the Kiva website.

Step 2: Gather Information - While on the website, use your critical reading skills (Ask questions, Make Connections, Visualize, Synthesize, Observe and Infer) and soak up as much information as you can.

Step 3: Share Information - Come back to the blog and leave a comment telling your classmates TWO juicy pieces of information that you have learned about Kiva or microlending. Use some of your Writer's Workshop tools (Tell It All, Say What You Mean, Put Muscles in Your Verbs, Invigorate Your Verbs and/or Paint Vivid Word Pictures) to help make your writing interesting to your readers.

Step 4: Continue the Conversation - Read some your classmates comments and make at least ONE positive, constructive response.

-Spelling IS important. Double check using a spellchecker on a word processor or the Class Dictionary Box.
-Be constructive, kind and supportive in the comments you write to your peers


  1. 1 Fact about Kiva and Micro-loaning
    Did you know that there is no Canadians asking for loans on Kiva? And there is only a few Americans.

    1. No I didn't kwon that.

    2. Seriously, Wow, I did not know that!!

    3. Ya! Good job Millie! Your comment actually helped me make a comment! :}
      -PartyMac (Camden)

  2. More peopel in AFAKA then in greece.

  3. The people behind Kiva are volunteers.

    Kiva is a website that does loans to people around the world to prevent poverty.

    (scribed by Shauna)

  4. My favorite thing about Kiva is you can continue the loan one person after another so you can change more than one person’s life with a little amount of money. There are 263 different loans available! I noticed that most of the people are from the Philippines! I think that’s really intresting.

    1. correction to myself: 2623 loans available!

    2. I know Fi, its kinda weird (if your talking about the Philippines thing).

    3. My sisters "nany" came from Philippines

  5. Fact number 2 about Kiva and Micro-loaning:
    Some of the loans that the people need is to buy things that they need to sell, and some they need for themselves.
    Or some money they need is for the animals they have, like their cows or horses, or their children.

  6. Here are my 2 facts:
    -Kiva has loaned $377,790,500 on there websites!
    -I also notices that there are limits to how long there loans are!Like 1 girl had 8 Hours and 8 Minutes left to get there full loan!
    I wonder what that means
    -1 other thing I notice was a majority of the people needed loans for shops/retail stores!

    1. really kiva loaned $377,790,500 that is amazing!!!!!!!!!


      wow kiva is really coming along!


    2. I also know that they have a time limit Fiona.

  7. There is only two places in north america that need loans.


    1. Very interesting informaian Jack I liked it a lot.

  8. Kiva helps people by giving them “micro loans” (small loans)
    that way they still must work to repay you :)
    so the men wont become LAZY and just sit around all day like the men in Lusutu

    1. Hahaha that's really funny but I'm not sure they JUST played that game. I mean they have to get up to eat and drink, right?

  9. there are lots of people in central america that need loans.


    1. Wow I did not notis that Jak .I just fawend out that Kiva can bring your money to mfi then thay will give the money to the people how needit.Then when thay get the money thay work to pay you back.

  10. Lots of people who need loans live in Africa.

    There is only two people that live in North america that need loans.

    Who made Kiva?

    1. I'm not sure who made Kiva, actually, I would really like to know that! I just might search that when I get back home!

  11. Another thing I like about Kiva is that you can put some money on the website, and your not wasting it! That is because they loan it back to you. And, (not saying anything bad about charities,)
    is that they just don't sit back and relax and wait for the money to come, they actually put some work and effort into it! And, you can REALLY help someone out by doing this!
    I personally really like Kiva.

    1. I agree with you Millie. I also really like kiva.

  12. 1: Did you know that the currency of the Uganda Shillings is 2,627.9828 UGX equaling 1 USD.

    2: Most of the Kiva users from North America need loans than anywhere else in the world. (And no Canadians, like Millie said!)(And also if this is INcorrect, than tell that to the Kiva map.)

    -PartyMac (Camden)

  13. The most money is ask in developed countries like USA a guy ask for 5 thousand dollars!

  14. Hmm. I wonder why there is no Canadians on Kiva asking for money.


  15. I noticed that there was a lot of people from Nicaragua.
    On one page I found 11 people from Jordan.

  16. It would be fun lending money to other people and the good part is you get all you money back and you can lend to other people


  17. kiva is really interesting beacause people can ask for loans and

    when they get their loan that they asked for their whole life could

    change! like for an example,they may ask for food or ingredients

    and other people are on the kiva website and they see that there is

    a person that is asking for ingredients and they say to themselves

    hey i want to help that person so i am going to donate some money!

    and then that person gets what they were asking for!


  18. i noticed that there are so many people from afraca and none from canada

    1. Thats sooo sad is in't.

    2. There a couble of people that are Candans that are Kiva

  19. Here are the 2 things I leared on the kiva website.

    1.theres this amazing dude on kiva and he helped soooo many people!

    2.just $25 can so many people.

    1. Who was that,"Really amazing dude"? What country was he from?

      p.s. I like the, "DARTH JAMES" :)

  20. I figured that half the people ask for money for farming.

  21. My favorite thing on the kiva website is to continueing on the loans that we put fake money on the people and i want to lend the
    kivas 25 dollers or more

  22. 141 loans found in Tajikistan
    and 11 loans found in kyrgyzstan
    australia dos not have any loans.

  23. Kiva facts:

    I have notices that there are limits to how long you have to pay your loan.
    I have also learnd that Kiva has no profit with a mission to reduce the poverty.

  24. there are so much people in Africa that want loans.
    144 loans in Nicaragua.

  25. Kiva is a place where they give loans to the poor people to help them have their own business. Kiva has given $377,790,500.00 in loans. They help other places rather than Canada or the States, places like Africa, Lasutu and other countries like it where they have no banks. Which is pretty sad if you live there because banks are really important. Banks are important because they keep other people's money safe. by Haydie

  26. purple lemen(laryssa)28 November 2012 at 09:39

    can you bielieve that in just seven years kiva got 849,544
    kiva-lenders ?but here is the crazyest thing ,thouse
    849,544 lenders have sent out a whole $377,790,500 in laons !!
    And all that moeny gose strait to the people who you are laoning
    to because kiva is a non-profit company .

  27. I think its sorter onfer that people need money just to barle suvif

  28. dear patrick i love your comment about the kivas but nothing its awesome don't change your awesome personality

  29. Kiva
    1.I noticed only 2 people are from Kenya(I thought there would be more).
    2. The largest group of people are the Wehakulila Group. They have 24 people in their group and they're looking for $1 625.00

  30. I saw this thing that was like a population circle table and there was a whole bunch more female than male. I don't know what the title was.

    I was looking at that map and there are these green dots and they represented something I think. I don't know what.

    (scribed by Shauna)

  31. This is the list in order of fewest to greatest loans being asked for:
    isreal 1
    zambia 2
    guatamala 2
    hati 3
    chile 4
    cameroon 4
    alania 4
    burundi 4
    diminican ripublic 5
    #1 congo 6
    costa rica 6
    #2 congo 8
    liberia 8
    USA 10
    Palestine 16
    Ukraine 17
    Mali 17
    Senegal 17
    Kosovo 18
    Ghana 20
    Mexico 25
    Sierra Leone 26
    Azerbaijan 29
    Togo 29
    Armenia 35
    Lebanon 52
    Georgia 53
    Paraguay 55
    Rwanda 55
    Benin 61
    Honduras 68
    Columbia 95
    Bolivia 100
    Uganda 101
    Nicaragua 144
    Peru 151
    Ecuador 153
    Jordan 166
    Kenya 216
