Thursday 27 February 2014

What Stuck With Us, February 27th, 2013

What Stuck With You Today?            Anything else to share?           Your name
Maker Jr. It was fun, and I learned a little about electrical flow. Negative --> Positive = Power; Negative + high voltage --> positive = ZZZZTT = Skin = dust.Camden
what stuck with me today was maker jr because i learned new things about electricity and surcets and it was really fun!Thomas!
I say chromesiseMiguel
The why you cup your hands when you play the harmonica was cool to learn and interesting to know. I still LOVE THE CHROMEBOOKS!!!!!Melodee
Maker juniour stuck with me today because it was really cool to know how to make circuit.Nils
At recess I played my favorite game.Aaron McLeod
During class time, i learned more about paralympics and what they mean!noErika
Mousercise stuck with me today.Mousercise helps to learn trackpads.Jack
Well, I am really excited about the tryouts so it was hard to learn, but I learned how to make a multiple choice question with Maker JR. Wish me luck in the tryouts!!Johnny W. Kurelek III
what stuck with me was writing about the olympics and what about it was fun but sort of frustrating
cause of all the people that were on it.It was alittle much like in people
I LOVE THE CHROMEBOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!kaleigh
I really enjoyed the math we did today, I liked the "travelers", it was a awesome way to get people to share new idea's and for each person to get a chance to share what their previous group came up with.Not today.Victoria
I learned about the paralympics and the special olympics CHROMEBOOKS ARE AMAZING AND FUN AND ectMelodee
what stuck with me was the Math should look,sound and feel like document because i think it will really help me reflect on and improve my math attitude madi
Writing 'What stuck with you today." And also the math attitude thing.noooMillie
I had fun learning how to make the quiz cards. I think it was a really cool experience and I think other people will have fun doing the questions. Yaro
today I learned that there is such thing as electro thread.

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
be happy and drink coffee it will help with the tired problem I guarantee it!HUNTER!!!
when we practice our kids snpit in french.molly
mcker jr was fun and a bit frustrating but overall it was so skye
How awesome the environment of Maker Jr. was! It was so creative and innovative that it just made you wanna make!I think we can use Minecraft in a maker situation using the redstone system. Redstone is basically a wire and there's a bunch of things such as repeaters, which continue and delay redstone, dispensers, which dispense blocks or items, pistons, which is a block that has a part which moves forward that can be retracted, and much, much more!Pat
What stuck with me today was Maker jr. I think it was really fun and I love how we can work with electric items and how we usually can't at home. Can the Maker jr. come in again to make the books Gabby
The thing that stuck to me today is The Maker Jr. I found it really cool how we got to make it our selves and how they actually worked out really well. I fine that Maker Jr. helps me understand electricity better than regular learner. Fiona
i dont really have any thing today sooy if this is not a good responcseno sorryoceanna
Maker Junior quiz cards.Quote the raven, nevermore.Nat
Bin 2 stuck with me today.Sharing your answer with another pair and then another group and then share how we got that answer makes you think,really,really hard and thats fun!I noticed that there were many different answers that me and my pair and other pair didn't find but the other group did.Clara
not my energy i am dead tired my circuit thingy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i figured out how to make my circuit work and it was super fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!larry

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