Friday, 31 May 2013

Science electives!!!

   We just did science electives we are sharing what we did 
2.building cars
5.using levers
6.egg drop

How cool is that we'll bye for now friends

By kaleigh

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Living Museum letter to the parents of room 209 and 312 by Kaleigh

So as you know next week we are doing the LIVING MUSEUM so exciting right we are talking so weird  like British people so we are done now we need to go now so good-bye my friends

By kaleigh

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Art teaching

This is Bonnie, who is teaching us about art! She used to teach at Churchill!
She told us about the "Maman Spider" sculpture, and this painting which I didn't catch the name of, but its about a boy named Dominic, who lives in Quebec.

--Camden ;D

Friday, 17 May 2013

Organizing our forms

We are getting a bag from dollarrama to put all are forms in so we don't lose them. So all are forms are going to be more organized.


Thursday, 16 May 2013

Classroom Close-Ups - Photos by ???

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Finley's Shark Project - filmed by Thomas

Effects of Tobacco

Genius Hour #1

We are doing this cool new thing called Genius Hour. Genius Hour is where we do something with a purpose. It is kind of instead of Friday Free Time, which was where we basically do whatever we want. This time, we are doing Genius Hour!
Here are some examples of the things we do in Friday Free Time:
-play random games
-play with blocks
-SOMETIMES work on something that has a point
-goof around
Here are some of the things we do in Genius Hour:
-take things apart (example: toaster)
-record a song and put it on the class YouTube or blog
-write a story with Heather C’s grade 1s or 2s
-endangered species small projects

by Lauren and Millie

 Hunter created a strange little monster and then dissected it!
 Laryssa created some beautiful Plasticene crafts for her grandmother and their family Easter celebration

Haydon created Plasticene characters and used one of the class iPads to film Stop Motion animations.

Genius Hour Expectations:

-to be doing something that is useful but that you are not already doing for school - Fiona
-something productive have a goal! - Hunter
-you can work in groups or independently -Fiona
-it might not fit into a category/subject at school - Laryssa
-you may start to bring in supplies for Genius Hour - Pat
-if you’re NOT SURE, just CHECK!

Brainstorm ideas:
-take something apart (toaster) (CHECK WITH PARENTS and SHAUNA FIRST!) - Hunter
-make something - Gabby
-art project, make a painting - Kaleigh
-be an imagineer, make a model of a ride, submit it to Disney - Pat
-practice programming on Hopscotch - Shauna
-make a Puppet Pals video with a student from Heather C’s class about Skippyjon Jones - Shauna
-record yourself singing a song and post it on our Youtube channel - Shauna
-make a Show Me about Math - Jack
-create a Sifteo game - Fin
-draw on Paint with the new drawing pad - Fin
-install the new webcam - Shauna
-research an apple, make a Smart Ideas about it, make a whole project about it - Thomas
-make a Plasticene earth and split it in half - Molly
-make a video game - Hunter
-make a board game - Shauna
-make a Math game - Miggy
-do a project on “boys” and “girls” toys - Fiona
-draw something and label it with the drawing pad (an organ, for example) - Fin
-make something with Plasticene - Sophia
-make a news report - Madi

Liam and Daniel recorded themselves singing.

Toaster Where Project

Science and Engineering: Building Bridges

 Our grade 5s got to work with Natalie's grade 5s and a Science student from the University of Ottawa to learn about Forces Acting on Structures.
 Students worked in small groups to create the most sturdy structures possible.

Tech Innovators and Altruism

Digital Degus, you continue to amaze me.

Proposal: Fin’s idea: If we win $5000, we give each of the other schools $1000, so we’d still have $3000 left

Sharing of ideas:
Pat: We could donate $1000 to RE Wilson for technology, too
Gabby: I think we SHOULD donate the money, because what could we do with $5000?
Fiona: We should get a few iPads for the primary classes – it’s a great way to learn, for the first stages of learning
Hunter: I don’t think we should join the winners up, I think the other schools will have all kinds of expensive equipment already. I think we should take half and give it to RE Wilson and take half of it and give it to another charity.
Vickie: I think it’s a really good idea. You really want to win it because you really want to give it away, because then we can share what we have with other people.
Madi: I think Finley’s idea is an awesome idea, I think we could give some money to RE Wilson and Fielding. We do a lot of charity work and we could give some to one of the charities.
Ethan: I totally agree with Hunter. We were born at the same day at the same time! I think giving $1000 is a little much, I think $250 or $500 or $750.
Kaleigh: I think it’s a good idea, but would we give some money to other classes in our school too? Would we still be able to get apps for us too?
Miguel: I say we should keep $4000, because all the computers in the computer lab don’t really work and we can supply the other classes with new tech and give the rest to charity.

Mel: Ithink we should give $500 to Fielding and $500 to RE Wilson and $500 for a charity and $200 for each of the other schools if they are runners-up. And the rest can come for us and if we have leftovers, we can give it to charity. To me, it’s too much. Kinders should have at least one mini-iPad per class. We have SO much and if you compare it to another school, our class might have more than a whole school! We use them, but I think other schools might need more.
Fin: Maybewe could do some Kiva donations or UNICEF donations. I noticed that everybody is agreeing in a different way. There’s no right and wrong answer.
Thomas: It’s important to remember we might not win. The computers in the lab are REALLY slow and a lot of them are down. I like Finley’s idea, but maybe not $1000, maybe $750 or $800, but save enough for iPads for the younger classes.
Liam:I think we should give $500 to the other two schools, RE Wilson and Fielding. And then we can split the rest of the money between all the classes at Churchill. Would we be able to get a giant cheque or a regular cheque?
Dan: I think we should give however much money RE Wilson needs to go on a field trip and to other schools to go on field trips.
Jack: I think that we should give $1500 to RE Wilson and $500 to Fielding and the rest for our computer lab.
Hunter: I really think we should donate to hospital charities. Maybe someday, if someone had cancer and got better, they might grow up and become a billionaire!
Gabby: When we’re going to Fielding, maybe they could come to our school sometime.
Erika: Maybe we could give half of the money to a hospital and half of the money to RE Wilson.

Fiona: I really like all the ideas, but remember that the reason we entered was to get more technology for schools. We could maybe enter something else to get money for charities in general. I really like the idea to get technology for RE Wilson and Fielding and some for the runners-up. If we were to win and give some to Fielding, we could give it to them on the field trip.
Pat:I think that we should be careful how we say this. Something like, “In our minds, you guys are all winners” instead of, “Nice try, too bad”. That might sound like bragging and we’re not a bragging school. We only have a ⅓ chance of winning.
Molly: I thought maybe we could give half of our money to Uganda because they don’t have any technology except for the principal.
Miguel: Some of the computers in the lab were made in 2001 and many of them crashed. Isn’t the money supposed to be for technology in Ottawa?
Hunter: Even if we don’t win, we could still fundraise for technology for the little kids at our school. We could give iPad lessons or something. Our class is pretty techy and could do iPad lessons for fundraising.
Fiona: If we win and if we keep any money, I think the primaries should come first and we should the same amount of money for each class and they could get the technology that they need. We don’t know if they’d really NEED an iPad.
Miguel: We could get some iTunes gift cards. If we win, we could buy some more computers and screen covers (iGuys) for the iPads.:

Hospital Brightening Murals

 When I told the students in Room 209 that my Gran-in-Law (Matt's Gran) was in hospital, they all pitched in and created BEAUTIFUL murals to brighten up her room. She was thrilled by the art that you worked together to create. Everyone who visited the room, family, doctors and nurses alike, LOVED your work!

Surreal Paint Tube Project

Surreal Paint Tube Project

-sketch on paper with pencil
-drawing approved
-sketch on canvas
-paint on canvas

-paint tube that is not quite full
-paint tube labelled
-paint tube is squirting out something it would never really squirt out in real life
-line - showing edges of what is coming out of paint tube
-shape and form, value helps make your paint tube look 3D and indicates how full it is
-colour and value- use of tints and shades, good choices of colour scheme (analogous, contrasting, etc...)
-mixing colours!!!!
-space - create the illusion of space in what has been squeezed out of your paint tube
-balance - the artist has taken care to balance out his/her canvas

Selecting Our Topics for the Living Museum

 We got together with Owen and Andrew's class in Room 312 to look at a sample proposal for our Living Musuem exhibits. Isaac, Ivy, Norman and Iggy had filled one out so that everyone could see what was expected by the "curators" Shauna and Owen.
 It was great to see all the students excited and grouping up with other students who had similar interests!
For the next step, students will be working collaboratively on the Google Drive to complete their proposals for approval by the curators of the Living Museum.

Gym with Room 312

 I found something awesome in the classroom this week. Miguel and Cohen are in charge of the May calendar. Under the title "May", one of them wrote "we have Gym". I totally didn't get it at first. Not until Owen read it aloud as one sentence: "May we have Gym?" See, boys and girls, ending punctuation is really important for someone to understand your meaning! Good one, guys!

Room 209 does LOVE their Gym time. We joined up with Room 312 for some really fun Gym classes recently!

Saying Goodbye to Kit

 The boys and girls in Room 209 are extremely thoughtful when it comes time to welcoming or saying good-bye to someone.
 When it came time to say good-bye to our student teacher, Kit, the Digital Degus prepared a wonderful book filled with their memories of Kit and the best things they'd learned from him.
 On his last day, we gathered in a circle and had a chance to each, individually say thank-you for all he'd done for us.

Math: Working with Coordinates

 One of my very favourite things about having all the great tech in our class is seeing how well all the Digital Degus learn in different ways on different days and differentiate their learning about any topic. When Kit was reviewing how to read a map with coordinates, students tried a whole bunch of different activities. Some read a giant map of Gatineau Park in a sort of "Treasure Hunt".
 Some students played an Ancient Civilizations low-tech version of Battleship.

 Thomas and Haydon played an app called "Coordinates" that lets you go on a Treasure Hunt, design your own maps and find hidden shapes.