We have been doing Science and it is about Conservation of Energy and Resources.
We first started out with a KWL chart. And the K stands for what we Know. The W stands for what we Wonder. The L stands for what we Learned.
Some of the things that I know about energy are:
-energy is really fast
-energy is in every living thing
-energy is sometimes in cars, too
-energy can make light
-energy is in electric cars and electric toy cars
Some of the things that I wonder about energy are:
-can a lightbulb be powered by a car?
-is energy in the sun?
-is there energy in plants?
-is energy in the wind?
-is energy in lava?
Next, we did the Glossary. And the glossary is about putting the terms and their definitions together and learning from that. I really like the word "biomass". It means plant and animal waste, like wood or animal droppings that can be burned for heat energy. I actually DO like that one. Another term that I like is "global warming". It means the slow increase of temperature around the world due to the increase of the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere. Global warming is terrible to all of us.
Today was awesome, the grade 5s had a discussion on the carpet about Science. We started talking about a cartoon. We had a discussion about this comic that Shauna gave us it was about nuclear power, oil and coal and how it affects our earth. The oil is drilled from the water and the pipe broke and it's still spilling for almost two hours. Nuclear power plants can melt down and pollute the planet and kill entire towns. Coal mining is dangerous and it can blow up and people can die. At the end of the comic, there was a good thing, but funny thing at the same time. It was about a guy saying, "It's in my backyard!" because a huge windmill is in his backyard generating power for his house and he was annoyed by it. Even though windmills are very good for our planet becasuse wind is always there, he is annoyed by it which is pretty funny because the other types of enegy are really dangerous.
This cartoon made us think of many things and I had a LOT of ideas about it too. Like, I when I was younger, I thought of a car that had a solar panel on the top of it to store some of the energy in it to still drive at night. I think someone already invented it, though. Also, some superstars like Justin Bieber are very kind and help the earth by making people on twitter that follow him donate money to fresh clean water for countries that don't have it. I said that people in the future might get skin cancer because the ozone layer will be gone because of our pollution. People with very pale skin are more in danger becauuse they can get skin cancer more easily.
We talked about how important inventions are to help save the environment. We talked about the phrase "Necessity is the mother of invention". What that means is even if you want to create something, sometimes the best ideas come when you really need them.
-by Melodee