Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Hallowe'en Prank

Happy Hallowe'en! I hope you all had a fun and safe night Trick or Treating. I stayed in my Ursula costume and full makeup to give out candy at my house. Last year, I had 37 Trick or Treaters, this year my total number went down by 6. Even though the quantity went down, the quality of costumes was pretty great. My neighbour dressed in a homemade box of Nerds costume. I saw the tiniest princess and Winnie the Pooh. The best costume of all, though, was the teenager who was in a homemade (by his cousin) Transformers costume that actually transformed! He transformed into a truck on my lawn and I called Matt out. Right before Matt's eyes, he transformed back into a human/robot! It was AWESOME!

I found a video that made me chuckle. I think it's just about the best Hallowe'en prank I've seen. What do you think?


  1. That's a funny show!!!I would liked to be able to get reversed trick-or-treating!!!!!


  2. that was hilarious!!!


  3. It is so funny I especially like the end (at the store).

  4. that was so weird and funny

